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Strengthening the role of scientific foresight and CSA in addressing NDC priorities.


The commitment period for the Paris Agreement in 2020 is fast approaching. In 2018, the UNFCCC will be organizing a Facilitative Dialogue (FD 2018) to take stock of collective efforts of Parties in support of achieving the 2áµ’C target and to inform the preparation of Parties’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The agriculture and land-use sectors, comprising crops, livestock, fisheries, aquaculture, and forestry, feature prominently in the NDCs of most developing countries. Asia is no exception. Most developing countries in the region have identified measures to both strengthen the resilience of the agriculture sectors and reduce emissions from agriculture and land-use activities as part of their NDCs. 


Five developing countries from South and South East Asia have specifically highlighted CSA in their NDCs in acknowledgment of the potential benefits of integrated approaches for enhancing productivity, strengthening resilience and reducing emissions in the agriculture and land-use sectors and more are relying on CSA as drivers of their agricultural development programs. CSA provides new opportunities for multi- stakeholder engagement along the different stages of agriculture value chains, opening up new arenas for investment, innovation and technology dissemination. At the same time, in order to successfully achieve the implementation of NDC targets, it will be important to understand the trade-offs across various CSA policy and implementation scenarios under different timeframes (short, medium and long-term). Foresight modelling tools can play a central role in supporting decision-makers mapping policy options and understanding their respective implications.  


The FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific with the support of the USAID funded Climate Economic Analysis for Development, Investment and Resilience (CEADIR) Activity, ASEAN CRN, GIZ, CIAT, GACSA and WBCSD is organizing a regional event on “Climate Action for Agriculture in Asia: Strengthening the role of scientific foresight and CSA in addressing NDC priorities.” The event follows a regional workshop held in Bangkok in March 2017, on “Convening Private Sector Investment in Climate Smart Commodity Production in Southeast Asia,” which was organized by USAID with support from FAO and the Asia LEDS Partnership.


The overarching purpose of the event will be to strengthen the capacities of countries in Asia to achieve their NDC targets for the agriculture and land-use sectors, through improved use of scientific information in sector planning and enhanced public and private sector engagement in accelerating CSA investments.



The workshop is expected to have the following outcomes:


  • Enhanced understanding of the valuable role that CSA could play in achieving the climate change mitigation and adaptation priorities highlighted in the NDCs of Asian countries and strengthening actions in the agriculture and land-use sectors under the Paris Agreement, through the use of foresight modelling;


  • Improved capacity for sector-level engagement in national preparations for UNFCCC FD 2018 and COP23;


  • Clearer vision and strategy to accelerate public and private investment to address NDC priorities for the agriculture and land-use sectors; and


  • Identification of current gaps to strengthen foresight analysis for future policy and implementation needs under different scenarios, and preparation of preliminary plans to overcome them.



The workshop is expected to generate the following outputs:


  • Country-specific pre-2020 Roadmap for sector-level engagement in addressing the NDC targets for agriculture and land-use sectors (including public and private actors);


  • Country-specific strategies for private sector engagement, including recommended priority actions by key government entities and next steps for implementation;


  • Country-specific findings on the role and importance of climate finance and stakeholder engagement in accelerating adoption of and investment in NDC action plans; and


  • A report and brief summary of the key findings of the event.

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